Want More Than Just A Job? Become An Entrepreneur!

I have a great job going, great organisation, great team, great salary, great everything and yet there is something that sucks the joy out of me when I am at work.Does this sound familiar? Does this sound like you?Are you the kinds that believe that there is no fun, no adventure in setting up a clock everyday only to get ready to go to work, to put in all your efforts & energy, subject yourself to the daily grind to run someone else’s business.Are you the kinds that admire other entrepreneurs and see yourself being like them? Maybe you don’t like to have an authority over you and you would rather be your own boss. Perhaps the monotony of a 9-5 job is what kills you to boredom and you would rather have the rush of adrenaline that running a business brings with it. Do you wish you had a flexible working option that allows you to focus on other important things on your list of to-do’s.There could be other reasons too, like exploring your own potential and creativity besides the opportunity to take on multiple responsibilities that you know you can handle. You also know that once on your own, there can be no cap on your professional potential as well as to your earnings. You have a great idea that you are itching to implement. To you there is no happiness as comparable as being the captain of your own ship where you would be able to take all major & minor decisions and steer your vessel to give your dream a shape, a dimension and a structure.Do you have any or all of the above signs and symptoms?If you have answered yes to even one of the above, then this is clearly an indicator that YOU are cut out to be an Entrepreneur.You know you need to do it because not doing so will sap your spirit, making you feel anguished. The misery will then spill over in at your workplace and also your personal life making you feel gloomy and dejected. And when that happens, eventually you begin to lose your self-confidence and motivation to ever do something on your own steam.You know it deep inside that you have to take the plunge and do what you will enjoy the most. This will not only help you prove to yourself that you have the spark to make it big; it will also create work opportunities for the less fortunate. There is no further sense of accomplishment then knowing that you have been able to support others make a living and help feed their families.You know you can do it and yet there is a hesitation, a fear that you can’t define or can’t fathom, let alone overcome it. Many a dreams get sunk by unwarranted fears. Many ambitions get slaughtered by thoughts totally uncalled for. You can’t let a pesky thing such as fear come in way of the life you have envisioned for yourself. Why put up with the fear that eats into your personal and financial freedom?What could be the fears that are the roadblocks to you taking the next step?Is it the fear of failure, fear of rejection, fear of not performing good enough, fear of the uncertainties that lie ahead, or are you frightened of success and how will you handle all the additional responsibilities & growth that success brings with it.The only thing that you need to fear is losing out on your goals. The only worry should be about you wasting your talent & potential. The only frightening thought should be about you continuing living the life of drudgery that you so want to escape.Of course you would just not jump without first considering what is that drives you and doing some industry analysis to understand the needs of the business, then equip yourself accordingly to face the snags that come your way. Getting yourself the basic skill and knowledge of the business is important if you want to increase your chances of victory.You can never lose in business. Either you succeed or you learn. The knowledge is invaluable that will ensure you get to the top at some point. Self-employment is like an adventure trip. You planned it well, and it still might have its share of unseen challenges, but the boost and thrill of over-riding these tricky manoeuvres will leave you with an immense sense of gratification and stories to tell. You have it in you to create a legacy that will inspire many more like you.Mark Twain explained entrepreneurship best when he wrote, “Twenty years from now, you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbour. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” Content Offer- Consider the following businesses that are easy to start and ensure success if you are a first time entrepreneur.Download our Free PDF on The 5 Signs That Indicate That You Need A Career Change.CTA

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I have a great job going, great organisation, great team, great salary, great everything and yet there is something that sucks the joy out of me when I am at work.Does this sound familiar? Does this sound like you?Are you the kinds that believe that there is no fun, no adventure in setting up a clock everyday only to get ready to go to work, to put in all your efforts & energy, subject yourself to the daily grind to run someone else’s business.Are you the kinds that admire other entrepreneurs and see yourself being like them? Maybe you don’t like to have an authority over you and you would rather be your own boss. Perhaps the monotony of a 9-5 job is what kills you to boredom and you would rather have the rush of adrenaline that running a business brings with it. Do you wish you had a flexible working option that allows you to focus on other important things on your list of to-do’s.There could be other reasons too, like exploring your own potential and creativity besides the opportunity to take on multiple responsibilities that you know you can handle. You also know that once on your own, there can be no cap on your professional potential as well as to your earnings. You have a great idea that you are itching to implement. To you there is no happiness as comparable as being the captain of your own ship where you would be able to take all major & minor decisions and steer your vessel to give your dream a shape, a dimension and a structure.Do you have any or all of the above signs and symptoms?If you have answered yes to even one of the above, then this is clearly an indicator that YOU are cut out to be an Entrepreneur.You know you need to do it because not doing so will sap your spirit, making you feel anguished. The misery will then spill over in at your workplace and also your personal life making you feel gloomy and dejected. And when that happens, eventually you begin to lose your self-confidence and motivation to ever do something on your own steam.You know it deep inside that you have to take the plunge and do what you will enjoy the most. This will not only help you prove to yourself that you have the spark to make it big; it will also create work opportunities for the less fortunate. There is no further sense of accomplishment then knowing that you have been able to support others make a living and help feed their families.You know you can do it and yet there is a hesitation, a fear that you can’t define or can’t fathom, let alone overcome it. Many a dreams get sunk by unwarranted fears. Many ambitions get slaughtered by thoughts totally uncalled for. You can’t let a pesky thing such as fear come in way of the life you have envisioned for yourself. Why put up with the fear that eats into your personal and financial freedom?What could be the fears that are the roadblocks to you taking the next step?Is it the fear of failure, fear of rejection, fear of not performing good enough, fear of the uncertainties that lie ahead, or are you frightened of success and how will you handle all the additional responsibilities & growth that success brings with it.The only thing that you need to fear is losing out on your goals. The only worry should be about you wasting your talent & potential. The only frightening thought should be about you continuing living the life of drudgery that you so want to escape.Of course you would just not jump without first considering what is that drives you and doing some industry analysis to understand the needs of the business, then equip yourself accordingly to face the snags that come your way. Getting yourself the basic skill and knowledge of the business is important if you want to increase your chances of victory.You can never lose in business. Either you succeed or you learn. The knowledge is invaluable that will ensure you get to the top at some point. Self-employment is like an adventure trip. You planned it well, and it still might have its share of unseen challenges, but the boost and thrill of over-riding these tricky manoeuvres will leave you with an immense sense of gratification and stories to tell. You have it in you to create a legacy that will inspire many more like you.Mark Twain explained entrepreneurship best when he wrote, “Twenty years from now, you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbour. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” Content Offer- Consider the following businesses that are easy to start and ensure success if you are a first time entrepreneur.Download our Free PDF on The 5 Signs That Indicate That You Need A Career Change.CTA

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Want More Than Just A Job? Become An Entrepreneur!