5 Ultimate Cooking Tips From Julia Child's Quotes

Child’s unapologetic ways of cooking style inspired many cooking enthusiasts and chefs to follow their passion which came as no surprise that many wanted to be like her.

Julia Child is that name in the culinary world which influenced both the laymen and professionals in ways that no other chef has. Her whimsical vibes and easy-going nature encouraged the home cooks to believe in their cooking skills without worrying about making mistakes. When the busy air of modern living led the American home cooks to canned food and takeaways it was Child who made them fall in love with cooking all over again.

Child’s unapologetic ways of cooking style inspired many cooking enthusiasts and chefs to follow their passion which came as no surprise that many wanted to be like her. Today, on August 15th, as we are celebrating her birthday and her enduring legacy, we are here with a few tips for the ones who want to cook like Julia Child.

1. Good food from fresh ingredients

Julia Child's Quotes - Fresh Ingredients

It’s true that Child enjoyed fancy meals especially during her days in France, however, when it came to cooking she never believed that one should be able to cook something fancy to become a good cook. All she believed in was good food made of fresh ingredients.

2. Keep an unapologetic attitude in cooking

Julia Child's Quotes - Unapologetic attitude
(Image by myrecipes.com)

Child always had an un-regretful attitude toward cooking. She wasn’t afraid of making mistakes even after becoming a television personality. Child believed that you learn new things from every single mistake you make in the kitchen and life as well. And, that could be why she said “The only real stumbling block is the fear of failure. In cooking, you’ve got to have a what-the-hell attitude”.

3. Don’t be afraid of butter

“With enough butter, anything is good” – Julia ChildChild loved butter more than any other ingredient. She never accepted or understood the concept of diet food. For her, diet food was something to be eaten while you’re waiting for your steak to cook. Butter was an unavoidable part of Child’s cooking and what she saw were results that no other fats can give in cooking. Her deal was with real butter which is the best thing for cooking French cuisine.

4. Cooking is love

Cooking comes right when you do it with passion, affection, and love. Yes, love is an important ingredient that helps make even an ordinary dish extraordinary. When you cook something with all your heart, without even tasting you would know how delicious that dish would be. Child always looked at cooking as an act of love which she thoroughly enjoyed doing for her beloved husband Paul Cushing Child.

5. Be with people who love food

Child famously said “People who love to eat are always the best”, and we couldn’t agree more. If you cook and are surrounded by people who love to eat, then it’s needless to mention that you will excel in cooking just by feeding them. And for some strange reason, we noticed that foodies are kind at heart too.Julia Child never thought about the outcome of her passion neither did she plan anything big when she joined the culinary school to learn cooking. All she did was to follow her heart and found passion in cooking, in which she kept herself tremendously interested.

Child’s unapologetic ways of cooking style inspired many cooking enthusiasts and chefs to follow their passion which came as no surprise that many wanted to be like her.

Julia Child is that name in the culinary world which influenced both the laymen and professionals in ways that no other chef has. Her whimsical vibes and easy-going nature encouraged the home cooks to believe in their cooking skills without worrying about making mistakes. When the busy air of modern living led the American home cooks to canned food and takeaways it was Child who made them fall in love with cooking all over again.

Child’s unapologetic ways of cooking style inspired many cooking enthusiasts and chefs to follow their passion which came as no surprise that many wanted to be like her. Today, on August 15th, as we are celebrating her birthday and her enduring legacy, we are here with a few tips for the ones who want to cook like Julia Child.

1. Good food from fresh ingredients

Julia Child's Quotes - Fresh Ingredients

It’s true that Child enjoyed fancy meals especially during her days in France, however, when it came to cooking she never believed that one should be able to cook something fancy to become a good cook. All she believed in was good food made of fresh ingredients.

2. Keep an unapologetic attitude in cooking

Julia Child's Quotes - Unapologetic attitude
(Image by myrecipes.com)

Child always had an un-regretful attitude toward cooking. She wasn’t afraid of making mistakes even after becoming a television personality. Child believed that you learn new things from every single mistake you make in the kitchen and life as well. And, that could be why she said “The only real stumbling block is the fear of failure. In cooking, you’ve got to have a what-the-hell attitude”.

3. Don’t be afraid of butter

“With enough butter, anything is good” – Julia ChildChild loved butter more than any other ingredient. She never accepted or understood the concept of diet food. For her, diet food was something to be eaten while you’re waiting for your steak to cook. Butter was an unavoidable part of Child’s cooking and what she saw were results that no other fats can give in cooking. Her deal was with real butter which is the best thing for cooking French cuisine.

4. Cooking is love

Cooking comes right when you do it with passion, affection, and love. Yes, love is an important ingredient that helps make even an ordinary dish extraordinary. When you cook something with all your heart, without even tasting you would know how delicious that dish would be. Child always looked at cooking as an act of love which she thoroughly enjoyed doing for her beloved husband Paul Cushing Child.

5. Be with people who love food

Child famously said “People who love to eat are always the best”, and we couldn’t agree more. If you cook and are surrounded by people who love to eat, then it’s needless to mention that you will excel in cooking just by feeding them. And for some strange reason, we noticed that foodies are kind at heart too.Julia Child never thought about the outcome of her passion neither did she plan anything big when she joined the culinary school to learn cooking. All she did was to follow her heart and found passion in cooking, in which she kept herself tremendously interested.

5 Ultimate Cooking Tips From Julia Child's Quotes